Assoc. Prof. Priv. Doz. Dr. Ruth Exner works as a senior physician and specialist for General and Visceral Surgery at the Department of Surgery at Vienna Medical University at Vienna General Hospital . She is also responsible for the breast outpatient clinic at 7C und conducts the weekly Tumor board of the Surgical Breast Cancer Center. Since 2016 she conducts the breast cancer hour at the private hospital Goldenes Kreuz.

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Ruth Exner



2 children

School- and University

1985-1993: Gymnasium Maria Regina, Wien 19, Döblinger Hauptstr.83

1993-1999: Medical school, University of Vienna

Special trainings

Anaesthesiology und Intensive Care Medicine in Liver Transplantation

Sepsis and perioperative Immunology

Clinical traineeship

Paediatric Clinic at the Wilhelminenspital, Vienna

Department of Internal Medicine, H F Verwoerd Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pretoria, South Afrika

Department of Surgical Oncology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, Australia

Surgery Department of  Kaiser Franz Josef-Spital, Vienna

Department of  Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Vienna Medical University


Scientific Work and Study Groups:

September 1997 - Juli 1999 scientific work at the Department of  Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Vienna Medical University

Since August 1999 scientific work at the Surgical Research Department of Vienna Medical University (Prof.Dr.E.Roth)

Task group perioperative Immunologiy and Sepsis (Prof. Dr.T.Sautner) since 1999

Task group Breast Cancer since 2007

Task group Colon/Rektum since 2009


Regular Work in the "Brustambulanz "of the Breast Care Center of the Department of Surgery since Oktober 2007

Specialist in General Surgery since June 2010.

Since April 2015 Senior Physician at the Department of Surgery, General Hospital of Vienna

10/2012 “Assistant Professor”

12/2015 “Associated Professor”

12.3.2016 EBSQ- successfully performed, now Fellow of the European Board of Surgery (F.E.B.S.)

9.5.2016: Habilitation in Surgery with the subject: "Clinical Relevance of Gene Expression Analyses in Breast Cancer Patients", since then "Private Dozent"



Georg-Stumpf-Stipendium für Krebsforschung 2011:

Sentinels with lymphatic carcinosis predict nodal metastasis (SELTO)

Exner R, Dubsky P et al. ACO-ASSO Jahrestagung, St.Wolfgang 7.10.2011


Astra Zeneca Forschungsförderungspreis of the Austrian Society of Senology 2014 für „The Multigene Signature MammaPrint  Impacts on Multidisciplinary Team Decisions in ER- positive, HER2-negative early breast cancer“

Br J Cancer. 2014 Aug 26;111(5):837-42. doi: 10.1038/bjc.2014.339. Epub 2014 Jul 8.


Poster price on 12.09.2014 am Joint Swiss and Austrian Society of Senology Conference- Senoforum in Lugano, Swizerland für das Poster: Impact of Multigene Signature MammaPrint™ on Multidisciplinary Team Decisions in ER+, HER2- early breast Cancer 


Österreichische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie

Berufsverband Österreichischer Chirurgen

Österreichische Gesellschaft für chirurgische Onkologie ACO-ASSO

Österreichische Gesellschaft für Senologie

Fellow of the European Board of Surgery (F.E.B.S.)