As a specialist in General Surgery and internationally approved Breast Surgeon I have been working
in the field of breast cancer at the Vienna Medical
Universitäty for many years concerning surgical as well as diagnostic and follow up treatment.
Prof. Dr. Peter Dubsky, my clinical and scientific mentor, built up this office during the last years, but recently took the opportunity to head a clinic in Luzern (Switzerland). I am happy to take care of his patients
In my office consultation, planning of the operation and therapy as well as the follow up care takes place. If necessary, additional radiodiagnostic or second opinion examination can be performed at the Röntgenzentrum im KH Goldenes Kreuz at the same time. The operation as well as preoperative diagnostic can be done at the Goldenes Kreuz as well.
As a general surgeon with a broad spectrum of visceral surgical techniques, I also wellcome patients with hernias, gall stones or if they need the implantation or explantation of a Port-a-Cath.